Objectives - Development objectives of the Information society

The project AMBÚ contributes to the development of information society:
Promotes the use of high performance architectures based on new technology solutions. Increasingly, business activity depends on the possibility to exchange information efficiently. This project represents an opportunity to apply cutting-edge technological solutions to the service of solving a set of problems arising in many companies. Therefore, it represents a contribution to incorporating modern and appropriate solutions to Spanish companies, enabling the Spanish productive fabric to keep track of the ever-evolving information and communication technologies.
This project promotes the development of Information Society through the creation, distribution and exploitation of resource optimization processes. Such processes generate wealth both for the supplier charging for their services and the companies using them. They both can be more productive and competitive, and offer better services to their respective customers, who are often citizens, contributing to the general good of society.
Since this project represents the first portal with such characteristics, it may establish standards for the definition of resource allocation problems and put forward instances of problems with optimal solutions not yet published. It will be a forum for debate and technological development where researchers will be able to publish their results and discuss new techniques, encouraging the use of advanced hardware for the application of mathematical techniques to real life situations, which is certainly a benefit for society.


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